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The Future REAC Standard
Version 2.1 (released April 2021)
After 20+ years of using the UPCS (Uniform Physical Condition Standards), HUD/REAC has rolled out a new inspection protocol for affordable housing. It’s called NSPIRE (National Standards for Physical Inspection of Real Estate).
The differences between UPCS and NSPIRE cannot be overstated. Even though most of us will not be held to this new protocol until after the period of demonstration, the changes are so wide-sweeping and compliance so costly, you must start planning immediately.
In addition to reducing the number of “inspectable areas” from five to three, HUD has completely revamped nearly all the defect definitions with a new focus on resident safety.
The Current REAC Standard
A field chart with simple to understand definitions and point deductions for every defect. This GuideBook provides a detailed account of every possible deficiency and it’s precise scoring value.
In 18+ years of conducting UPCS inspections, we have found that without this knowledge, agencies waste dollars and time in correcting the WRONG defects. Although well intended, they have a tendency to spend money on “OBVIOUS” defects…some of which have no effect on your REAC score.
No more guessing…never again spend valuable resources on repairs, only to find the expenditure did not significantly improve your REAC score.