Picture of From USIG Training Staff

From USIG Training Staff

Is REAC Canceling All Remaining Inspections for 2020? 

Nope! At least not according to REAC’s David Vargas, Deputy Assistant Secretary. In a letter this week to REAC’s contract inspectors, Mr. Vargas said in part, “I likewise want to take the opportunity to allay all fears that inspections will be cancelled for the remainder of the year due to COVID19. On the contrary, our commitment to small businesses that help REAC ensure our nation’s housing portfolio is decent, safe, and in good repair has never been stronger as we recognize the families we serve have been among the most affected by this crisis. Please be assured the Reverse Auction Program will resume business operations to the fullest extent once inspections resume – we are awaiting word from HUD’s senior leadership on the proper timing when we can resume inspections and the proper protocol for doing so safely.

As each state (and some counties within those states) have differing “re-opening dates”, HUD has been very tightlipped about a potential restarting date and plan for inspections. My best guess (and it’s only that…a guess), is HUD will resume inspections according to geographic locations – starting in areas of less virus impact and require inspectors to follow some form of CDC recommended PPE (masks, gloves, etc.).

As of today, we are only guessing as to the exact start date. But one thing is certain, HUD/REAC has too much on the line to postpone inspections for much longer – so we can count on them ramping back up rather soon.