Picture of From USIG Training Staff

From USIG Training Staff

Appeal Change For ‘Work In Progress’

HUD has changed the documentation requirements for “Database Adjustments – Modernization Work in Progress” appeals.

Properties and developments undergoing modernization work may qualify for a database adjustment for observed deficiencies actively being worked on at the time of the inspection.

Here is the supporting documentation required:

  • An executed contract with a copy of the scope of work, including change orders if applicable
  • A Notice to Proceed with start and completion dates
  • An affidavit from the contractor’s authorized representative identifying:
    • The modernization work in progress that it was performing at the time of the inspection
    • The identifiable location of the work in progress
    • The work completed as of the date of the affidavit
    • The date the work was completed
    • If the work is not completed as of the date of the affidavit, an explanation of why the work is still in progress and when it will be completed
    • Photographic evidence sufficient to show that the observed deficiencies have been corrected or are in the process of being corrected

Only the observed deficiencies that were in the process of being corrected by modernization work in progress at the time of inspection are eligible for consideration. Modernization work to be performed under an executed contract, but was not in progress at the time of the inspection, is not eligible for a database adjustment.